Friday, April 17, 2015



"After checking the National Weather Service<> forecast tomorrow and seeing an 80 percent chance of thunderstorms tomorrow, we have decided to cancel our community baseball event. We are all very disappointed, but feel it is better to get the word out today than to wait until the last minute tomorrow. Heavy ran in the morning would make it difficult to set up for food service even if there was a break in the showers and the attendance would likely be low. Unfortunately, the remaining home games this year are scheduled for May 2 and the number of other events at the university that day preclude us from rescheduling.

If you happen to have a flexible schedule today, two of the four baseball games scheduled with UMSL this weekend have been moved to this afternoon at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and you are welcome to attend. If at all possible they will try to play the other two games tomorrow or Sunday.

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm surrounding this event and your willingness to help make it a success!"

Additional information will be provided if received.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Midtown-Plaza Area Plan Public Meetings - Wednesday, April 29 and Thursday April 30 at the Kaufman Center - 6:00 to 8:30

Over the last year, Kansas City has been working with its Steering Committee and Plaza Sub Area Committee to create a draft of the Midtown Plaza Area Plan for an area bound by 31st to 55th Street and Stateline to the Paseo. In order to introduce the plan and bring the community up-to-date, the city will be holding Public Meetings on the following dates:

Wednesday, April 29 from 6-8:30 p.m. at Kauffman Center’s Town Square Room, 4801 Rockhill Road.

Thursday, April 30 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Kauffman Center’s Town Square Room, 4801 Rockhill Road.

Monday, April 6, 2015



WHAT: Trash and litter. Leaves and yard waste.


TIME: 2:00PM – 6:00PM

WHERE: Volunteers gather at the corner of 60th and the Paseo.

PLAN: Volunteers will move yard to yard, block to block, collecting the winters accumulation of trash and yard waste. We will end at the Mary L Howard Memorial Garden, 1217 E. 61st street.
All neighbors are invited back to 60th and Tracy to mingle and enjoy a potluck meal at 5pm. Bring your favorite dish.

Sponsored by the Rockhurst University Greek Week Service, 49/63 Neighborhood Coalition and YOU.

Please join the 49/63 Neighborhood Coalition at Rockhurst University on April 18.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


St. James UMC will host an Easter egg hunt from noon to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 4 on the church grounds. 

The hunt, which is free and open to the public, is for children through age 12. Children age five and younger should be accompanied by an adult. Participants need not register in advance, but, should bring their own baskets or bags in which to collect plastic, candy-filled eggs. 

In case of inclement weather, the hunt will be moved inside to the Great Hall in the church basement. For more information, please call the church office, 816-444-5588.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Help your community & the environment! Drop off used computers on Saturday April 11

Do you have an older, unused PC in your closet? Are you planning to upgrade your desktop or laptop computer this year? Is your office upgrading? We need your old technology to help bridge the 'digital divide' in the Kansas City Metro area!

We are very, very excited to announce the 2nd Tech Mob Technology Recycling Event! On Saturday, April 11th, we’ll be taking any and all e-Waste you can give us and refurbish it and recycle it in a responsible, mother-earth-approved way. The best part? We’ll do it for FREE!

All this recycling goodness will go down at:

Connecting for Good
NE Wyandotte Co. Community Tech Center
2006 North 3rd Street Kansas City, Kansas 66101

Connecting for Good is a nonprofit organization that has been bridging the Digital Divide in the Kansas City Area since 2011 using wireless Internet, community technology centers, low cost refurbished PCs and free digital life skills classes.


The Digital Divide is very real in the Kansas City Area. We believe it is one of the most important social justice issues of our day.
25% of Kansas City area residents don’t have Internet access at home. 
42% of those who don’t use the Internet have annual household incomes of under $25,000
46% of nonusers are minorities.
70% of Kansas City Public Schools students do not have the Internet in their homes. 

It's estimated 60 to 65 million computers become obsolete every year in the US, some estimates show 3 to 5 percent of material in landfills is e-Waste. 

Another report estimated between 315 and 680 million computers are waiting in peoples garages and homes, waiting to be disposed of properly, which is why we are hosting the Tech Mob. 

Show up to the Tech Mob drop off your old technology and it will be professionally refurbished. What Connecting for Good can't use will be professionally recycled. With your help, we can see many lives changed simply because they will be able to connect to all the resources available through the Internet.

Won’t you help? This is a great time to give us your unused PC equipment and get a tax deduction at the same time. What is no longer useful to you can be turned into something that can change the life of a child in an under resourced urban core family.

Acceptable items include computers, laptops, keyboards, mice, speakers, hard drives, tablets, Netbooks, flat televisions, DVDs, VCRs, stereos, camcorders, cameras, games systems, printers, scanners, surge protectors, telephones, typewriters and adding machines. Large appliances - including refrigerators, washers, dryers, ovens and microwaves - will not be accepted. 

If you have any questions about our Tech Mob Recycle Event, feel free to contact Connecting for Good at 816-559-7077.